Hello to all. Hope Christmas shopping is going well..comes way to fast in my books!. Well i thought I would throw in a post before Christmas comes. Cohen is now 18 months. He is 32" long and weighs 23-25 lbs depending on whats for breakfast. He's not a very big guy but what he lacks in pounds he makes up for in personality. He is running constantly and talking like crazy. He says about 20 words or so consistently and learns new ones every day. He also finally has teeth not to mention a gap between the front ones which is pretty cute I must say. He is so much fun.
I am 23 weeks now and yes, growing like a weed. I can't seem to stop eating and I'm blaming pregnancy but really its just lack of will power coupled with a good excuse. Can't beleive we're going to have another crazy one in just a few months. We'll keep you all posted.
In the meantime, good luck with holiday preparations and hope to see and talk to most of you at Christmas.

Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Fun
Cohen went out Trick or Treating for the first time this year. He was pretty unsure how he felt about it but he definitely knew what the routine was. He was more than happy to hold out his bucket and wait for treats. So much fun!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Now he's a farmer
Cohen is coming up on 17 months now. He is talking a lot which is adorable and quite incredible. He certainly understands more than he lets on! He is such a happy little guy and we can't beleive what a fun age this is. Its actually getting harder to go to work everyday because I don't want to miss a minute of this. We had a great summer and I can't really beleive its fall already. The leaves around here are beautiful. We've been seeing lots of both sides of the family and just recently spent a week out at the farm. Cohen loved the farm life (as did Pip) which is making Tyler pretty anxious for us to have something more than a small yard in town. Cohen rode is horse Teddy and is all about tractors right now.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I can't beleive I havn't updated this in a month!! Well to start with if you havn't heard already....Cohen is going to be a big brother! We are expecting the new one in April and are very excited.
Its been a great summer. We spent some more time with the Christie's where Cohen learned to tube. Very scary for mommy. We also had our wonderful weekend at the lac for Grandma's birthday. It was so much fun and so wonderful to see our ever growing clan. Cohen had a blast. The very next weekend it was back to Sask for Ally's wedding. We had lots of fun despite the heat. Cohen danced the night away and loved every minute of it. Ally was a beautiful bride and we're very happy for them.
We are hoping to take it easy for last leg of summer. The yard is a bit neglected and Pip is feeling the same way.
Hope everyone is well. It was great seeing some of you this summer and hope to catch up with you all soon.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Birthday Boy
Cohen turned 1 on May 9th. We had his party on the 10th. Granny K and Grampy Bruce came up for the weekend and we packed the house with Cohen's family and best friends. It was chaos but so much fun. He was the perfect party host, always entertaining and on his best behavior. Granny K made the cakes. Cohen was not into cake but who wants to eat when there is so much else to do. It was such a good weekend. I can't beleive Tyler and I are parents of a one year old. Now the fun begins!!
To the farm
On May 3rd we ventured out to the farm for the weekend. It was a quick trip but well worth it. We were able to celebrate Lynette's and Dad's birthday as well as have a little celebration for Lynette and Ivan's engagement. It was a great weekend. Cohen had his first real horse ride on Teddy. He wasn't too sure about it until Teddy picked up the pace, then he was having a blast. No fear!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Cohen is now 11 months and as of today.... HE'S WALKING!!!!! We caught his second attempt on our camera and now we can share it with everyone. He remains a absolute little character and we are loving every minute. I can't beleive he will be 1 in only 30 days.
I'm back to work now (almost full time) and Cohen is really liking his baby sitter. She is very sweet and Cohen is excited every morning when I drop him off. It has made it so much easier being back. The warm weather is making us all very excited for summer and camping. Hope to see as many of you as we can this summer.
I'm back to work now (almost full time) and Cohen is really liking his baby sitter. She is very sweet and Cohen is excited every morning when I drop him off. It has made it so much easier being back. The warm weather is making us all very excited for summer and camping. Hope to see as many of you as we can this summer.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Greetings. Well, the little guy is 10 months!!! We just had his check up and he is 19 lbs 3 oz, and 28" long. He is a little on the small side for his age but I would say could take on any toddler around. He is crazy busy. The new thing is pushing. He pushes anything and everything all day long. I am constantly stubbing my toes on chairs and stools that have been pushed to the middle of the room. He's not walking indep yet but I'm okay with that. He gets around just fine. Tyler and I are staying busy as always. I'm back to work Apr 1!! How time flies. We have found a wonderful sitter which will make it much easier on me.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the nice weather.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I know its been a while since I have updated. Sorry to all who keep checking....
We do however have some very exciting news. On Feb 6, Tolan and Raelene had a beautiful baby boy, Reese Menrad Friesen. He came a little early but is happy and healthy. This makes Tyler and I Aunt and Uncle for the very first time and Cohen is a cousin for the very first time. Cohen is very interested in him and wants to touch him all the time. They are very cute together.
Cohen is now 9 months old and weighs about 20 lbs. He is crawling like crazy and walking on furniture and using things to push around but no independent steps just yet. He is absolutely hilarious and such a joy.
This past week Lynette was up for a visit. It was such a great week. On the weekend Ivan and mom and dad came up as well. Cohen took a minute to remember who everyone was but he loves his Grammy and Grampy. It was so great to see everyone, and yes I know the drive is very long.
The long weekend is over and its back to normal around here. We're cathcing up on house cleaning, laundry and sleep. Hope everyone had a great long weekend.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Not much has happened since Christmas. We've been laying low. Cohen continues to grow and learns to do something new everyday. He is crawling like crazy as well as climbing stairs. He pulls himself up on everything and is now letting go and standing on his own for breif moments. Its hard to beleive he is 8 months already. FUN FUN FUN
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
A Very Merry Christmas
Well, the holiday season is coming to an end. I can't beleive how quickly it flew by. On Dec 21st we headed out to Saskatchewan for Christmas with Granny K and Grampy Bruce. Lynette and Ivan came down on the 22nd and we were all able to spend a whole week together. Cohen had a wonderful Christmas and was, as we suspected, spoiled like crazy. It was so fun to see him opening his gifts on Christmas morning. It was a very special first Christmas and I look forward to all of our Christmas mornings to come with this little guy. 
On our way back to High River we stopped in to see Darren and Wendy and the girls. They have a beautiful new addition, Taya, and Cohen definitely liked all the attention from the ladies.
For New Years we celebrated with Grampa D, Gramma D, Tolan and Raelene. It was a great way to bring in the New Year and once again, Cohen was spoiled rotten.
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