Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Holy hot!!! Loving every minute! We are having a great summer and it's not even half done! The camper has been a wonderful addition to the family. Here are just a few highlights of the summer so far:
Our first venture was camping on a sunday night, in Moose Jaw in the pooring rain. It might as well have been Disney Land for how much fun the kids had.
Our second trip was out to Douglass Park (better known as Camp Lotsaticks). Beautiful campground.
The best trip yet was an entire week.... Elkwater with the Friesens (the water was cold but the sum was HOT!) .....Med Hat.....40 mile with the Christies......Lethbridge with the Franks. 
Monday, May 16, 2011
Can't beleive spring is finally here!
Cohen turned 4 on May 9th. He is such a little man all of a sudden. We had a dance party for his birthday, lots of fun. We had a great time with family and all of Cohen's little friends. He will be going to Pre-K in the fall!!! So far I'm excited for him, the tears will come later I'm sure.
Nixon is a little monkey these days. Very independant and all business. Him and Cohen and starting to play really well together which is awesome to see. We are lovin' life with these two, never a dull moment.
Tyler and I are trying to get organized to camp this summer in between working full time. We have both started running again, trying to shed that winter layer.
Hope everyone is enjoying the weather!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Well my baby is 2!!!!! It's hard to beleive, seems like just yesterday he was my happy little chubby baby. Now he's my "no mommy", tantrum, running like crazy, monkey see monkey do, getting his own boots on and sleeping in a big boy bed little man. I forgot how great it was when they got to this age and you start to really see their personalities shape. We always thought he would be the easy going happy one. We were incorrect. He is a little fireball and heaven forbit you attempt to alter his behavior. He will do as he pleases thank you very much. His birthday was a lot of fun, he had his moments of not so fun but birthdays are a lot of pressure at that age. Thank to our wonderful family for coming out. Cohen has an interview for pre-K on Monday. I know, interview for what? Anyway, we'll see how he does. His best friend right now is a year older and goes to school so he is getting anxious to be old enough to go himself. They are both liking the nicer weather but are sad that it means the snow goes away. He will be starting soccer in a few weeks which should be great. He played last year but I think he will understand the game more this year. It also rained almost every game last year. In March we also had a surprise brithday party for Tyler. Thank you so much to all of our wonderful friends who came out for a weekend at the spa. It meant a lot to both of us, we miss you guys! Hope everyone is well and enjoy that warmth while we have it.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
It has been a very long time, sorry to those who check regularly. We are all doing very well. The boys are growing rapidly. Nixon is finally starting to talk and is actually asking to use the potty right now which is very surprising. I guess I can't pretend he's a baby anymore. He'll be 2 in about a month! Cohen has definitely left the toddler stage and is swiftly moving through the preschool age phase of life. He is very smart and very emotional. He is absolutely loving this winter..... snow snow snow! We can't keep him inside, even when its -30. He gets all bundled up, plays out there for as long as he can stand it and then cries about having to come in. I'll post a few videos of these crazies for you.
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