I apologize its been so long since I've posted. The summer has gone too quickly and we spent as much time as we could outside which means not much time on the computer keeping in touch. We have slowly been working away at the few things that need to be done on the house before the snow flies, thank you mom and dad for your help. Its starting to feel like home and I love love love my...oh sorry....our new house. The big yard and big old trees are my favorite, or they were before all the leaves started to fall off. When does the leaf fairy come and rake all of this up? I rake for hours and barely make a dent. Small price to pay I suppose.
Cohen is making friends like crazy and Tyler and I are starting to as well. Tyler is really enjoying his job and is working close to home now which is really beneificial to my sanity. The boys are great. We are in the midst of potty training with Cohen which, I won't lie to you, is not much fun. He could really care less about potty training despite much praise and treats. He is getting so big and smart, and really attached to me. I have a little shadow constantly which I know won't last so I should enjoy it right. Nixon is growing up so fast. He is 6 months old now and is the happiest little guy in the whole world. He smiles when he is awoken from naps, stepped on, and has his bottle or soother ripped from his mouth. He is rolling around and almost sitting on his own. No crawling yet but I'm not pushing it. One stationary child works well right now.
We have been busy getting ready for Lynette' wedding. I'm loving planning the shower and stagette and can't wait for the wedding. The trip will be very needed and I'm so excited for Lynette and Ivan.
Hope everyone had a wonderful summer and happy fall.