How quickly time flies. Nixon is already 3 weeks and Cohen's 2nd birthday is coming much too fast. Nixon is doing very well. I haven't weighed him in a week or so but there is no doubt he is growing. He is very alert and is still a pretty content little guy who is already learning to tough out the occasional kick from his big brother.
Cohen continues to amaze us with just how smart he is. He talks in sentences now and is really loving to boss people and Pip around these days. Its hard to beleive he is going to be 2 in just a couple weeks. He has been in a big boy bed now for about 3 weeks and is doing very well.
We headed to the farm for Easter this past weekend. Out first big road trip with 2 boys went very well. The boys were as good as can be expected and the weekend at home was great. Happy Easter to all.
Hope everyone is well.
Happy Easter to the Friesens. Sorry we missed you on the weekend. our House was as full as mom's. Nixon is a cutie. Cohen will be used to sharing in no time.
Well, Melissa and Tyler, you certainly have yourselves a beautiful little family there!!! Love the pic of the boys together, they are so sweet!! Hard to believe they grow up so fast, but it sure is fun!! Thanks for sharing, always love to see new pics of your family!
The Donison's
Had a GREAT week-end was fun to have a full house again, can't wait till the next visit hopefully it won't be so muddy . Love & Kisses
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