I'm going to try to attach a link to a video of the cutest kids ever....watch...I'm not kidding.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Okay, its been a very long time I know. Sorry! There has been a lot going on with us as with most of you I'm sure. The summer has been wonderful and eventful.
On Aug 24, Ryder Brooklyn Bissonnette was born. Lynette laboured at our home for a while before going to hospital so I feel like we were all a part of that little miracle. I had to keep reminding the boys that they needed to be gentle with Auntie Lynette and not bug her too much.
On Sept 14th I started my new job. I am now the Nurse Coordinator/Educator of Providence Place. Its a permanent full time position which is wonderful so now we are all getting used to me working full time. So far the boys are doing well as they really enjoy the day home they go to.
As for those boys.... Cohen is 3 going on 30. His language grows by leaps and bounds every day it seems. He talks a lot...questions a lot.....and pushes the limits a lot. He is turning into quite the athlete as well so we are excited to get him into some skates again. He keeps telling me that daddy promised he could get a hockey stick and puck if he learns to skate all by himself.
Nixon is 18 months and talks a lot for someone who really doesn't say any words yet(except daddy of course). He tries desperately to keep up with his bro and does a decent job of it too. He has developed quite the personality and although he is laid back most of the time, beware the wrath!
I want to wish everyone a very Happy upcoming Thanksgiving and happy harvesting.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I can't beleive July is half over already. Despite all the crazy storms the weather here has been good so we've had lots of outdoor fun already. I've been working lots so the boys are getting settled in with the new sitter. All is well so far so lets cross our fingers. We've had lots of visits with friends and family so far and there is lots to come. We are off to Okotoks tomorrow. Tyler and I are going to catch the end of the stampede and see the Jason Aldean concert. We are hoping to take the boys to the Calgary zoo too. Here are a few pics of our summer fun.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
now the momma of a 3 year old. We had Cohen's birthday on May 8th. It was fun and chaos. He was absolutely spent by the end of the day. Lots of great gifts...best gift of all was all the wonderful people who shared the day with us. The sun is out so I'm making this brief but here are some pics and a video of the big day.
Monday, April 26, 2010
NIXON IS WALKING!!!! Sort of.... he has finally taken his first steps. He thinks its hilraious that he can stand on his own but he's still a bit leary of the walking part. He can take about 4 or 5 steps well, usually resorting to crawling around the 3 step mark. He is so shaky its adorable. He also popped his second tooth which caused us a few sleepless nights before appearing. He is the happiest one year old in the world.. greets each day with a smile.
Cohen has been loving the nice weather. Its back to the challenge of keeping him indoors for any length of time. He's done some horse riding lately. The other night at roping he actually rode all by himself. Dad's idea, not mom's. It didn't phase him at all... he prefers to do things on his own anyway. He is anxiously awaiting his birthday. He asks every few days if his birthday is here yet. He definitely gets how birthdays work....cake.....attention.....presents. What more could a 3 year old want.
Hope eveyone is well...enjoy the nice weather.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Well the big guy is 1!!!!! Nixon turned 1 on Mar 19th. We had a great birthday bash,with lots of family and friends. By the end of the day Nixon was the typical birthday boy, droopy diaper and cake from head to toe. He isn't walking yet but is soooo busy crawling and climbing. He fianlly popped out a tooth just before his birthday (not that lack of teeth has hindered his eating at all).
Big brother Cohen is doing really good. He is getting smarter by the day and is finally settled at the sitters. He is also potty trained (mostly). I thought that day would never come but his little cousin Reese showed him up and that was all it took. He will be starting swimming lessons next week and we've registered him for preschool in the fall. 
The weather has finally turned so we are outside all the time now. Lots of yard = lots of yard work. We worked hard this past weekend and its starting to look pretty good already. We have lots of plans so we'll see how much gets done.
Thank you to the Frank crew for an awesome Easter. Love you guys!
Cohen's dancing skills have rubbed off on his brother (This is Cohen's #1 requested song so its on our blog a lot....sorry)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
It's been a while since my last post but not without trying. I've tried many times to post some videos of the boys but it hasn't worked so wish me luck this time. I am officially back to work now. It's been pretty emotional so far. I'm excited to be back but its been hard on the boys. We have had some very tearful mornings dropping them off. Cohen only stays upset for a few minutes after I leave but its been hard to start my days like that. Nixon had a rough couple days but seems to be adjusting. He had a really good day yesterday so I hope he's getting used to his new daytime "family". Our sitter seems very nice so hopefully this adjustment period will be over soon. 
In less than a month my baby will turn 1! It's so hard to beleive. He is such an awesome kid. Still very happy although he's a little more demanding each day (lessons from his brother I think). He is walking around holding on to things (even walls) but no completely independant steps yet. His bottom teeth are trying desperately to break through, although having no teeth does not stop him from eating everything in sight.
Cohen is growing up fast as well. He is VERY chatty, telling very elaborate stories about all sorts of things (true and completely fictional). He is very into monsters these days, monsters around every corner and in every drawerand cupboard, somtimes scary sometimes funny. We are still working on the potty thing which has its good days and bad. A few weeks ago we got him a large double bed and painted his room green and blue. Its really given him a sense of having his own space. He loves being in his room.
As for tyler, same old. Work is going well, he's been away a lot lately but I think thats over for a bit now. He has also been out roping a few times which I know he has missed. So all is well out here and hope this reaches all of you happy and healthy.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Happy January to all. Hope everyone has dug themselves out of the snow and are keeping warm. We are enjoying all of the fresh soft snow, despite the cold weather that has followed it. The boys are busy growing and changing. Since Nixon started crawling at Christmas he has decided to just not stop. He stands and creeps on furniture, climbs stairs and is into everything. I forgot what that age was like, can't take your eyes off of him for a second. To add to
the chaos Cohen is 2 going on 16. Attitude and independance about sums him up right now. We have taken away his soother (which went very well actually) and in return he has taken away his afternoon naps. This makes for some very long and trying days for me I assure you. I think I'm ready to go back to work :) As luck would have it I have gotten a job with home care in Moose Jaw which I am really excited about. I start Feb 16. After many interviews we have found a day home for the boys. I have a good feeling about it so lets hope it works out. Her name is Michelle, she has 4 children, 3 of which are in school full time and a 3 yr old girl at home. She also has a cat who Cohen loves. The boys will be going there once a week until I start to try to ease them into being away from mommy. Both have become quite the mommy sucks lately.
Hope this post finds everyone happy and healthy. Here are a few pics and videos of the boys. And yes I know Cohen always seems to be half naked in pictures and videos. Its hard to keep him fully dressed, no matter how cold it is in here. Its a battle I choose not to fight.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Well another holiday season came and went. It was lots of fun this year. We had Christmas at the farm which is always my favorite place to spend Christmas. Had way too much good food, the boys got great gifts and we had lots of laughs. We had a few quick days back home before we headed off to Alberta for the second half of the holiday season. We had a wonderful time there as well, lots of fun ringing in the New Year with the Friesen's. Thank you for spoiling all of us! Over the holidays Nixon started crawling which is exciting but brings with it a whole new dynamic at home. If its possible the house is even crazier, Cohen runs like mad pretending Nixon is chasing him....3 or 4 minutes later Nixon comes crawling behind him, head down with sheer determination. Its quite the game. Since New Years I am busy preparing to go back to work. Looking for child care and a job are priority one now, no more staying home warm and cozy with my boys every day. All good things must come to an end.....have to help pay those bills for while.
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. All the best in 2010!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. All the best in 2010!
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