It's been a while since my last post but not without trying. I've tried many times to post some videos of the boys but it hasn't worked so wish me luck this time. I am officially back to work now. It's been pretty emotional so far. I'm excited to be back but its been hard on the boys. We have had some very tearful mornings dropping them off. Cohen only stays upset for a few minutes after I leave but its been hard to start my days like that. Nixon had a rough couple days but seems to be adjusting. He had a really good day yesterday so I hope he's getting used to his new daytime "family". Our sitter seems very nice so hopefully this adjustment period will be over soon. 
In less than a month my baby will turn 1! It's so hard to beleive. He is such an awesome kid. Still very happy although he's a little more demanding each day (lessons from his brother I think). He is walking around holding on to things (even walls) but no completely independant steps yet. His bottom teeth are trying desperately to break through, although having no teeth does not stop him from eating everything in sight.
Cohen is growing up fast as well. He is VERY chatty, telling very elaborate stories about all sorts of things (true and completely fictional). He is very into monsters these days, monsters around every corner and in every drawerand cupboard, somtimes scary sometimes funny. We are still working on the potty thing which has its good days and bad. A few weeks ago we got him a large double bed and painted his room green and blue. Its really given him a sense of having his own space. He loves being in his room.
As for tyler, same old. Work is going well, he's been away a lot lately but I think thats over for a bit now. He has also been out roping a few times which I know he has missed. So all is well out here and hope this reaches all of you happy and healthy.
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