So I know all the readers of this blog care about is Cohen but I just have to say that last night Tyler and I went to KEITH URBAN!!!! It was an amazing concert. And yes, he is not hard to look at either. We had a great time. The pictures are kind of useless but if you look really hard you can see him kind of. Our seats were actually quite good but the pics always make it look farther away.
On to Cohen. The little man is doing well. He had his 4 month vaccinations last week and had a rough go for about 5 days (rough for mom and dad as well). He seems to have worked it out now and is back to his old self. He is talking like crazy and trying desperately to get around. We bought him a jolly jumper and he loves it. We are also taking an infant massage class which he is totally digging. Hope everyone is well. Let me know any suggestions for those horrible immunizations.