Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy January to all. Hope everyone has dug themselves out of the snow and are keeping warm. We are enjoying all of the fresh soft snow, despite the cold weather that has followed it. The boys are busy growing and changing. Since Nixon started crawling at Christmas he has decided to just not stop. He stands and creeps on furniture, climbs stairs and is into everything. I forgot what that age was like, can't take your eyes off of him for a second. To add to the chaos Cohen is 2 going on 16. Attitude and independance about sums him up right now. We have taken away his soother (which went very well actually) and in return he has taken away his afternoon naps. This makes for some very long and trying days for me I assure you. I think I'm ready to go back to work :) As luck would have it I have gotten a job with home care in Moose Jaw which I am really excited about. I start Feb 16. After many interviews we have found a day home for the boys. I have a good feeling about it so lets hope it works out. Her name is Michelle, she has 4 children, 3 of which are in school full time and a 3 yr old girl at home. She also has a cat who Cohen loves. The boys will be going there once a week until I start to try to ease them into being away from mommy. Both have become quite the mommy sucks lately.

Hope this post finds everyone happy and healthy. Here are a few pics and videos of the boys. And yes I know Cohen always seems to be half naked in pictures and videos. Its hard to keep him fully dressed, no matter how cold it is in here. Its a battle I choose not to fight.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Well another holiday season came and went. It was lots of fun this year. We had Christmas at the farm which is always my favorite place to spend Christmas. Had way too much good food, the boys got great gifts and we had lots of laughs. We had a few quick days back home before we headed off to Alberta for the second half of the holiday season. We had a wonderful time there as well, lots of fun ringing in the New Year with the Friesen's. Thank you for spoiling all of us! Over the holidays Nixon started crawling which is exciting but brings with it a whole new dynamic at home. If its possible the house is even crazier, Cohen runs like mad pretending Nixon is chasing him....3 or 4 minutes later Nixon comes crawling behind him, head down with sheer determination. Its quite the game. Since New Years I am busy preparing to go back to work. Looking for child care and a job are priority one now, no more staying home warm and cozy with my boys every day. All good things must come to an end.....have to help pay those bills for while.
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. All the best in 2010!