Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
After about 2 weeks of being on hands and knees and getting no where, little man has finally done it. He decided yesterday that it was the day he was finally going to get this crawling business mastered. He is doing awesome and getting better and quicker by the minute. I can't beleive how fast he's growing.
Friday, November 30, 2007
I love Santa
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
On Nov 18 we had Cohen baptised at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Gravelbourg. It was a great weekend with family and friends. Thank you to everyone that was able to attend. Special thanks to Cohen's new Godparents, Auntie Lynette and Uncle Ivan. It was a great way to end a great week at the farm spending some special time with mom and dad (aka Granny K and Grampy Bruce). Cohen can't wait to go to the farm for Christmas.
Happy Half Birthday Cohen
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Baby's 1st Halloween
Cohen's first Halloween was great. He was just the cutest little thing I have ever seen. He decided to be a turtle this year. He was affectionately named the snapping turtle by his dad. I had him dressed up quite early in the morning, snapping pictures. He loved playing with the belly of his costume. We had a halloween party at our Yoga class and I brought him around the hospital and out to the feedlot. He did get some candy which I promptly ate. We also got to give out candy which I havn't done in years. I love seeing all those little kids (and big kids) and I can't wait until Cohen can go walking door to door. Hope everyone had a great and safe Halloween......next its Christmas!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Nursing Reunion
This past weekend a few of us from nursing school met in Regina. Most of us have had babies in the last year so it was nice to meet all of them .It was so great seeing everyone. We all got babysitters and headed out to the casino on Sat night. Sorry about your college funds kids!! It was a great weekend and we can't wait to do it again.
Adventures with food
I've been a little tardy with this blog thing so I will catch everyone up. Cohen is now around 16lbs and has started on solids. He's had rice cereal which he loves, cream of wheat which he is still a little unsure of and last night we tried a little butternut squash which was also a big hit. It is not helping him sleep through the night much to my dismay but it has made meal time much more interesting. Cohen has also been introduced to the sippy cup. He seems to know what to do, the coordination still needs a bit of work though.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I like hockey, hockey, hockey..
Now that the hockey season is getting under way, Tyler would like everyone to know Cohen's official position. Sorry Uncle Ivan! Hopefully we will get Cohen to a game this winter, we'll have to see how it goes. Hope everyone is well.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The week of Keith
So I know all the readers of this blog care about is Cohen but I just have to say that last night Tyler and I went to KEITH URBAN!!!! It was an amazing concert. And yes, he is not hard to look at either. We had a great time. The pictures are kind of useless but if you look really hard you can see him kind of. Our seats were actually quite good but the pics always make it look farther away.
On to Cohen. The little man is doing well. He had his 4 month vaccinations last week and had a rough go for about 5 days (rough for mom and dad as well). He seems to have worked it out now and is back to his old self. He is talking like crazy and trying desperately to get around. We bought him a jolly jumper and he loves it. We are also taking an infant massage class which he is totally digging. Hope everyone is well. Let me know any suggestions for those horrible immunizations.
On to Cohen. The little man is doing well. He had his 4 month vaccinations last week and had a rough go for about 5 days (rough for mom and dad as well). He seems to have worked it out now and is back to his old self. He is talking like crazy and trying desperately to get around. We bought him a jolly jumper and he loves it. We are also taking an infant massage class which he is totally digging. Hope everyone is well. Let me know any suggestions for those horrible immunizations.
Monday, September 10, 2007
To the farm
Well this past weekend it was off the the farm to see Grandpa Bruce and Granny K. On sat. Ivan and Tyler helped Dad build a shelter for the llamas. Us girls slaved away in the kitchen and got some serious cuddle time with little man. He loved every minute of it. It was so nice to see everyone that stopped in. We even got in a quick visit with Grandma Schoenroth. Sunday Cohen met the new baby llama 'Diego' and rode his horse 'Teddy'. Not sure how he felt about it but he has lots of time to warm up to the idea of riding.
It was a long trip back on Sun (Cohen was maybe a little sick of the old car seat) but its always nice to go home to the farm. Hope everyone is well
It was a long trip back on Sun (Cohen was maybe a little sick of the old car seat) but its always nice to go home to the farm. Hope everyone is well
Monday, September 3, 2007
On the road again...
This time, off to Edmonton. A big congrats to the new Mr. and Mrs. Kurt and Trisha Miller. Trisha looked beautiful! We headed up to Edmonton Sat in time for the wedding. Cohen had a good time and sure liked all the lovin' he got from the girls. We headed back home Sun morning so it was a pretty quick trip. Its funny how your life changes.... home from a wedding dance before 10pm and up by 7am without a hangover. I guess thats life with a baby right. Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I haven't posted in a long time. Sorry folks, I didn't realize it had been so long. We have been laying low at home so I guess I haven't had much to say. Of course their are lots of pics of Cohen though. We had his 3 month check up and he is 13.5 lbs and 24" long. Monster, I know! He gets cuter every day if I do say so myself. We have all been enjoying our time at home after a busy summer. Hope everone is well.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Grandma's B'day at the Lac
Well, we hate to just sit around and relax so after our week with Lynette and Ivan, the 5 of us packed up the camper and headed to Lac Pelletier for Grandma's birthday. The weather wasn't the best but it was a great weekend. It was wonderful seeing everyone and introducing them to the little man. As always the food was amazing and you can't beat a campfire at the Lac. Cohen made it well known that he is sick of being away from home so we are going to slow down a little and spend the next few weeks at home.
Off to Manitoba
This post comes late as the camera was misplaced last week. We were off to Manitoba for the Aug long weekend. Tyler's cousin was married on Sat so we hopped in Don and Diana's motorhome for the long journey. The weather was wonderful and the wedding was beautiful. It was so nice to see everyone and meet the few cousins I hadn't met before. Cohen had a good time and is still talking about it (haha). On Sunday we headed to Lowefarm for some 5 generations pictures with Great Grandma Weins (now great great grandma weins). It was a nice visit. On Monday we had some motor home trouble so Tyler's uncle generously lent us his car and the three of us headed back on our own. Very very long trip. We stopped in Gravelbourg on the way and picked up Ivan and Lynette who spent the week with us in High River. Stay tuned for our next adventure.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Drumheller Camping
Well, another hot camping weekend has come to an end. This weekend we ventured out to Drumheller. I went golfing for the first time on Friday and did pretty well I thought. Tyler, his brother Tolan and his dad golfed on Sat and Sun a well. Sat afternoon Dianna and Raelene went to the Royal Tyrell Museum. It is awesome. I can't wait to take Cohen when he gets older, he slept through the whole thing this time. I have to add that Cohen was an angel this weekend. We have to quickly do laundry this week and its out to Manitoba for a wedding next weekend. Hope everyone is well and keeping cool. Congrats to Dianne who had a beautiful baby boy last week.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Quiet weekend
Happy Weekend everyone. Not much is going on here. We're laying low this weekend and getting some yard work done. Cohen is taking it easy as well. He had a growth spurt at the beginning of the week so it was a busy couple days of eating for the little guy. He's catching up on his sleep now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hogg Park
We had another scroching hot weekend. On Friday we ventured out to Hogg Park (a local campground on the river) with Tolan and Raelene, Raelene's Family and Kevin and Charity. We had a great time and the weather couldn't have been better. We spent lots of time in the river to cool off. Cohen wasn't really happy about the heat so he had a rough day on Sat but is catching up on his sleep now. Last night the beautiful weather brought us quite the hail storm. The hail was about the size of hard balls. We had damage to our vehicles and siding on the house but made out better than some of our neighbors who had windows in their house smashed.
We're laying low this week and trying to keep cool. Hope everyone is well, talk to you soon.
We're laying low this week and trying to keep cool. Hope everyone is well, talk to you soon.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Etherington Creek
This past weekend the three of us went camping to Etherington Creek. It was beautiful , although the weather was not. It was a cool weekend but we managed to stay warm and have a good time. Cohen was great. He is more relaxed out camping than he ever is at home. Pip also had a great time chasing ground squirrels and killing mice. We had no bear encounters at the campsite but we did see a black bear on the way home. They are beautiful animals from the safety of a vehicle. Hope all is well and we will continue to keep you posted on our little bugs summer. By the way, the little pork chop now ways 11lbs!!!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Trip Home
Sorry it has been so long since our last posting. This past week Cohen and I ventured out to Saskatchewan. We flew last Tuesday to Regina for my cousin Robyn's grad. Cohen was an angel on the airplane. We had a great time in Regina and Cohen loved meeting his aunts, uncle and cousins (especially Daylon). On Thursday we headed out to the farm where Tyler and his parents met us for the long weekend. It was such a good time and the weather was great. We had campfires and fireworks for Canada Day. Thank you to my family for all your help with Cohen. It was a nice break for mommy. We all had an awesome time and can't wait to come back. We miss you already. I'm putting lots of pictures on the site for you guys.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Hello to everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying the blog. I love to get comments so keep them coming. I've taken off the restrictions so everyone should be able to comment. Cohen continues to grow like a weed. He gets fatter by the minute. He is starting to notice objects more and watches the toys on his vibrating chair and swing now. Sleeping is getting better and better and he is starting to enjoy life a little more. This past Sat. Tyler had his big Cattleman's Chataqua fundraiser so we dressed the little guy up and took him out on the town. Plaid collar shirt and cowboy boots just like his dad. He had a pretty good time I think, as did Tyler and I. Next week we are off the Regina for Robyn's grad and then to the farm for the long weekend. Hope everyone is well.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Not too much has gone on in the last week but I did promise I would try to post about once a week. Cohen is growing like a weed. i'm already sad he is growing up too fast. He smiled for the first time this weekend and of course it was at Tyler. He saves the scowles and brow furrows for mom. He is sleeping better and better at night which has been nice for all of us. He had his first outing to the big city yesterday and was a gem. I've posted some new pics.
Hope everyone is well. Kisses from us 3 to you.
Hope everyone is well. Kisses from us 3 to you.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Beilleny's Branding
The Friesen's went on their very first camping trip this weekend. We went to a cattle branding up by Edmonton and took our new (old but new to us) camper and our new little man. It was a scorching hot weekend but we had a blast. Cohen was a really good little camper, next year he can help rope. As of last Thursday Cohen weighs 7lbs 9oz. He is doing really good and is being a little easier on his parents these last few days. Hope everyone is doing well. Here are a few pictures from our weekend.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Momma's Birthday
Hi again to all. This weekend was my 25th birthday. Thank you to all who sent cards, gifts and good wishes. I really appreciated it. On Sunday we spent the day with Tyler's family at Don and Dianna's. Grandma Nettie was down from Manitoba and Marilyn and Dennis and their family was there as well. Cohen met his new cousin Maria for the first time. She is a beautiful little girl. It was a great day and so nice to see everyone.
I want to also thank everyone who has sent our little man gifts. They are all wonderful and we're so excited for him to fit into the outfits and be able to play with the toys. We will send real thank you's when we get some pictures done.
Take care and bye for now
I want to also thank everyone who has sent our little man gifts. They are all wonderful and we're so excited for him to fit into the outfits and be able to play with the toys. We will send real thank you's when we get some pictures done.
Take care and bye for now
Friday, May 25, 2007
Good night
Well last night was finally a good night so I'm trying to get as much done today as I can. Our new little man has decided sleep is highly over rated and screaming at the top of his lungs is a much better night time ritual. Any hints from you pros out there would be appreciated. Every day he seems to grow and gets stronger and stronger and cuter and cuter. For such a wee man he has great strength already. I'll try and update pics as often as I can.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Our new addition
The reason I am attempting this blog thing is to keep everyone posted on our new addition. Cohen Vaughan Friesen was born May 9th at 5:55pm weighing in at 6lbs 2 oz and 18 " long. He is perfect and an eating machine I might add. We are loving every minute with this guy and can't wait for you all to meet him.
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